The Philippines
Salus Animarum
Salus Animarum, a ministry of FMSC food partner Risen Savior Missions in the Philippines, equips individuals with valuable skills leading to economic independence and self-sufficiency. The group is made up of 10 mothers who craft beautiful rosaries using local plants and materials, including adlai grains. These grains are purchased from local farmers, contributing to the growth and sustainability of the local agricultural community. Creating the rosaries is a beautiful expression of craftsmanship and devotion, and it empowers these mothers to earn a living while still being available for their families.
Meet the Artisans
Evelita makes beautiful rosaries for FMSC MarketPlace partner Salus Animarum using locally grown adlai grain. The income she earns enables her to provide for her family and dream about a future for her five children.