Anchored in Hope
A visitor to Croix-des-Bouquets, Haiti can hear the tap-tap-tapping of the metal workers’ hammer on 55 gallon recycled oil drums as they create their works of art each day. The oil drums are cut in half and pounded flat to reveal a metal canvas. Artisans then draw creative designs and get to work to chiseling, cutting and shaping. Since 2014, FMSC has been purchasing and selling beautiful, handmade metal items created by Anchored in Hope artisans. The artisans are able to provide for the day-to-day costs of living for themselves and their families.
Meet the Artisans
Claudy was 12 years old when his uncle taught him to work with metal. By creating beautiful works of art from recycled oil drums, Claudy is now able to support his wife and three children with his craft. Proceeds from his sales pay for his children’s school fees in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Cajuste started to work with metal when he was 14. It is the only job he has had, and he’s teaching the craft to his four sons. He also has three daughters. All of his children are in school, and he thanks God that he is able to provide for his large family.
Jonas loves making metal art because it provides for his family. As a child, he learned the craft from his uncle. Now he’s teaching his older children so they can someday work with him. He says he wants to encourage people to keep buying his art because this work provides for his family.
Wilnord François
Wilnord François has been working with metal since he was 15 years old. By creating beautiful works of art from recycled oil drums in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Wilnord François is now able to pay for a university education for himself and helps support his godson.