FACES Devotional Book

Every face holds a story. The story of the God who made them. The story of a life lived in service to the mission of Christ. The story of a heart dedicated to fulfilling the purpose they've been called to.
In the pages of this book, you'll find the faces of Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) partners serving faithfully around the globe. They're the faces of men and women who have committed their lives to feeding the hungry, serving the poor, and doing whatever they can to answer God's call on their lives.
But more than that, you'll find their stories. The stories of how God has used their trials and triumphs to lead them to His purpose. The stories of the impact they've made by being God's hands and feet. The stories of lives lived on a mission to feed the hungry and share the love of Christ.
We invite you to hear from our FMSC partners around the globe in these pages, seeing the reflection of Christ in both the stories you read and the faces you see alongside them. Every face holds a story and the faces you find here will tell the story of the great love God has for his children and the lengths He will go to care for them.